Eszter-Petronella SOÓS PhD

Tag: marine le pen

  • Marine Le Pen in trouble, papa Le Pen strikes back

    Marine Le Pen in trouble, papa Le Pen strikes back

    Marine Le Pen has not been able to use the legislative campaign to strengthen her position. Although Marion-Maréchal Le Pen announced her (probably temporary) retirement from politics, the national-liberal wing of the National Front could gain momentum. Marine Le Pen was also forced to deliver a public mea culpa because of her performance in the…

  • 53. “Women ” prove the FN is a divided party

    53. “Women ” prove the FN is a divided party

    ​Earlier, I suggested in some of my analyses and interviews that the FN was a divided organisation, as internal power struggles are routinely present within the party. In recent days we have seen many evidence of this, since a nasty conflict erupted between Marion Maréchal-Le Pen and her aunt (party leader Marine Le Pen), as…

  • 52. The year of political death

    52. The year of political death

    For an analysts like me, it is kind of obligatory to consider the passing year. Whose year was it? What was the year about? I could easily say that 2016 was the year of the Fillon-surprise, but in fact, it was rather the year of political death. In 2016 – unexpectedly or not – France…

  • 51. Marine Le Pen: one step closer to the presidency

    51. Marine Le Pen: one step closer to the presidency

    So far, when people asked me about the French presidential elections, I have always answered that whosoever won the Republican primary on 27 November, was likely to become the next French president. In this sentence, the keyword is “so far”. Donald J. Trump’s victory has created a whole new situation, at least mentally. Marine Le…

  • 41. President Marine Le Pen?

    A socialist MP, Malek Boutih has just scared everything out of his fellow socialists. In an interview he declared that Marine Le Pen was going to be the next president of France. It’s done, finito, fait accompli. Is he right though? Should we get used to a “President Marine Le Pen”? How far is the…

  • 28. National Front: the strongest French party?

    This week might make the National Front the strongest or the second strongest party of France, even though its local grounding is not that deep and wide as it has been hyped after the local elections of March. Could the National Front win the European Parliamentary election? According to opinion polls, the National Front might…