Eszter-Petronella SOÓS PhD

Tag: French bashing

  • 24. French-bashing: unfair attacks against France?

    24. French-bashing: unfair attacks against France?

    Previously… In three previous articles, I started to discuss the phenomenon of French-bashing and its implications (if you have not read those articles yet, check them out here, here and here. The first article present the most important articles or “attacks” that are considered as French-bashing in France. The second discusses the relationship of De…

  • 17. Globalization through French eyes

    Consider this: in his famous article called the Four Faces of Global Culture, sociologist Peter L. Berger described four facets of globalization: 1) Davos Culture (the rise of an international business elite ); 2) Faculty Club International, that is the internationalization of Western intelligentsia; 3) McWorld Culture 4); and finally, Evangelical Protestantism. It is not…

  • 12. De Gaulle and the Anglo-Saxons

    As much as they are both part of the Western civilization, Anglo-Saxons and French are coming from a different culture. Anglo-Saxons are protestant, the French are catholic. Protestants and Catholics Anyone who has ever read Max Weber’s The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism, understands why the religious factor is so important, even in…