Eszter-Petronella SOÓS PhD

8. French politics: week7 2014

French politics: a long, but interesting week ahead

We have a very long political week ahead of us. French politics is expected to be full of interesting and important things this week.

Of course, the U.S. visit of President Hollande is the most important political event of the week, and I am sure that the media will cover and discuss it extensively – but those who are interested in economic issues should not miss the decision of the Council of State concerning Sunday shopping, the publication of major economic statistics and the publication of the annual report of the Court of Audit either.

And a really great number of social movements (a.k.a. strikes)

are planned for this week as well. Taxis, educators and postal workers are expected to go on strike on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, respectively.

Check out the whole list of week7 French politics events here: theweekinfrance7-2014.

(If you wish to receive the Week ahead in French politics background material every week, please do not forget to subscribe to the newsletter below and to follow political consultant Esther Soos on Twitter as well (@sooseszter).)






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